Thread: Favorite Season
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Old 10-05-2006, 11:43 PM   #16
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I'm going to have to say season 4. I ended up cracking up a lot when I watched most of the episodes and got some people I know into the series thanks to season 4 episodes. It's not like seasons 1-3 are bad or anything, but season 4 is, in my opinion, currently the strongest of the current four and has a few of my favorite episodes (which includes "Squeeze the Day" and "Bus the Two of Us").

EDIT: Oh, crap. I just realized the poll was closed. Ick, this is one reason I shouldn't be on the internet past midnight. Anyhow, it never hurts to give your opinion about something, right?

Last edited by Amritama; 10-07-2006 at 11:50 AM. Reason: SPELLING (yet another reason why I shouldn't be online past midnight).
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