Originally Posted by taranchula
And, oh yeah it's October, and that means we have the annual "Halloween Toon" to look foreward to, and hopefully more of Strong bad riffing on people's H*R halloween costumes that always rules.
Then we might get a Thanksgiving followup to last year's Fall Float Parade, and then, not too soon after, a Decemberween toon...maybe.
By the way...Did you guys see the new SBEMail - Retirement parts a and b? AWEXOME. CROSS.
Originally Posted by Emma
I'm going as Strong Bad for Halloween...which is going to be some tricky buisness considering I'm a girl. But I'll figure something out. But I'm totally going to send the Bros. Chaps a picture. I would give my right arm to have Strong Bad make fun of me. I really would.
I was SB one year, too! I had to wear a white shirt with "TO THE LIMIT" taped on it, due to the cold.