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Old 09-26-2008, 04:36 PM   #1629
Lady of Brightwood
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Oh my word, I'm reminded of something that irritated the living daylights out of me when I was growing up. My mother would be so good at getting really, really, really mad at my brother and I for some reason or other, yell and use offensive sarcasm and slam objects onto the table or slam cupboard doors and such. Then she'd turn to someone not involved in the situation and she'd be so sweet and nice to them. You could just tell she really wasn't as mad as she was pretending, she just wanted to scare us (or hurt our feelings). I remember one such time when I was a young teenager, maybe 13, and she was yelling at me and giving me a very raw piece of her mind. And then the phone rang...

"I am so disappointed in you, young lady!! You think you can just go about and think you can get away with it?? Well I've got news for you, you are to be grounded for the next month, no TV, no diary, no radio, you are to go to your room right this instant! Just wait 'till your father gets home! You're no where near hearing the end of this...!! "

*ring* *ring* *ring*

"I just can't believe.......!! ...Hello? =)"
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