Originally Posted by kageri
That's why I love Foster's as well. Family Guy has random cutaway gags that the basis of the humor is entirely based upon; Foster's has everything. (Note to animators: if you're going to use the stupid-but-lovable-dad/sexy wife/smart kid/dumb kid/smart baby thing, simply adding a talking dog isn't really enough.)
I agree with this, not just about Family Guy, but "adult" animation in general. Adult cartoons pride themselves as being edgy and unique--but it seems like that they've become so blatant in their pop culture references and lowbrow humor that all creativity is lost. I'm sure that kind of stuff was groundbreaking back when South Park was starting up, but now that nearly adult cartoon these days just
has to have lots of "shock" humor at the expense of genuinely interesting characters and stories, it's simply become tired to me.
Every single time I tune in to Adult Swim's comedy block, I end up laughing more at the bumpers than much of the actual programming itself.
EVERY SINGLE FREAKING TIME. I think that's because the bumpers are subtle and clever in their humor, in a way that I fail to see in many adult cartoons of today.
And I, for one, hope that Futurama WON'T be "upgraded" to TV-14 or TV-MA for it's return in 2008. Even from the very beginning, I appreciated that show because it didn't completely sacrifice the heart of it's characters for it's ability to do edgy humor, and was even capable of stories that were genuinely touching(like the episode with Fry's dog). If it comes back as just another clone of the typical "SHOCK" adult cartoon we see a lot these days, I'll be very sad.