Originally Posted by Cassini90125
I must admit to laughing rather loudly at the one where one of them got his toungue stuck in an anthill.
We've got a HTF thread around here somewhere as I recall. 
That would be Sniffles the anteater - usually the victim of tongue-related accidents. I feel sorry for him, since those ants he sometimes goes after can be
really sadistic, and their actions go waaaaay beyond merely defending themselves.
Yeah, it's in Other Entertainment, though most of the people on NF really don't seem to like it. Originally, as I recall, I was amongst the detractors. Then, one day, something just...happened, and I suddenly started liking it. I always knew I had a morbid side, deep down, and I'm glad it found its outlet eventually. Besides, Disco Bear (star of my current avatar) is way too awesome to be ignored. I love that bear so much!