I'm reading
The Pearl by John Steinbeck for Freshman English right now. I think it's really meh so far - but it's well written, I'll give it that.
I had to re-read The
Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain since I have to take a test on it on October 2nd. Personal favorite of mine.
For pleasure when I'm bored - I'm reading
Half-Blood Prince(or Harry Potter 6 to non-fans) by JK Rowling as well. I know it's not exactly loved by the fans, since a lot of it was claimed to be filler for
Deathly Hallows but it's my third favorite.
In fact, all of the HP books in order of how I like 'em from most to least:
*Order of the Phoenix
*Prisoner of Azkaban
*Half-Blood Prince
*Chamber of Secrets
*Socerer's/Philosopher's Stone
*Goblet of Fire
*Deathly Hallows
As you can see I dislike Hallows and Goblet with great intensity
Is Stephenie Meyer's
Twilight series any good? From what I'm told they read out like really bad fanfics.