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Old 10-04-2006, 04:00 PM   #11
Razzamatazztic Tap Dancer
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It's very cool- but the whole "Goo has no torso" thing cracked me up a little.

It's amazing her body doesn't fall over from the weight of her head.

And I must say, her legs are so skinny and long that the first time I saw her I thought that her legs would break at any second. They're like spagetti noodles.

Also, have you seen the way she walks? I think she waddles. Although, I could easily see her as a dancer, because although she does not seem graceful (*Marty snorts at herself because she is a dancer and is the FARTHEST THING from graceful*), she just has something about the way her knees bend that make it seem like she can do the best axles in the world. I do have to wonder, though- is she REALLY that tall, or do her cowboy boots make her seem taller?

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