I had a dream a night or so ago, it wasin't about Foster's exactly, it was Foster's related. Anyway what happend was, I was looking around on the forum and a sign came up read along the lines of "IMPORTANT MESSAGE. Please check you're mail IMEDIETLY!". I got a PM from both Pitbulllady and Sparky. So I checked, and in the mailbox, next to the subject line was an explaimation sign. I was like "Oh, no! What did I do to deserve this!!!", (I thought I was in trouble). So, I clicked on it and it and, somehow Sparky's and PBL's letter were fused together like a two-way letter or something. PBL wrote and said to me that she ) was getting to old to run the site, and that she couldin't go on. Sparky's letter, fused with hers, finnished the sentance and added, "You have been chosen. We would like you to be our new Co- Administrator". And that was it.
Ha! What a crazy dream, huh? So weird.
My babies --  (well he is number 1, dang it!).
 He's cool, I mean c'moooooooooooooooon?
 We ammigo!
 The every kid.
 Best female cartoon ever. There should be more of these ladies.
 Don't underestimate the power of wuv.
Last edited by Tonya; 08-18-2006 at 04:11 PM.