Originally Posted by pitbulllady
Coco, yes. She'd totally do that. After all, she has suggested both killing Peanut Butter in "Room With a Feud" and beating Mr. Herriman with a baseball bat in "Let Your Hare Down", so it's been established that Coco has a "dark side".
But the thing is, neither Peanut Butter or Mr. H were exactly "innocent" in those instances, and they were irritating
everyone. And Coco realized that. She does have a dark side, but I still can't see her wanting to tie up two innocent imaginary friends whom she hadn't even related with yet (or at least, not that the viewers saw).
As for Wilt, we can see he's clearly come up with a fun sense of humor and "fooling" people, as both episodes mentioned involve him pulling pranks on others. But again, tying up innocent imaginary friends, whom we don't even ever see him relate with beforehand, gagging them, making them stand there for however long it was... it's way too mean for something Wilt would do. He was pulling a prank on Bloo, but using and especially "abusing" innocent friends to do so is far from who he is.
I could see Bloo doing that to them, in his typical yet lovable self involvement. But knowing Wilt, Coco and Ed are the ones who did that still feels very out of character to me.