Medieval likes these?

Yeah, they look nothing alike, I never thought of that. I loved unicorns, still do, as I love many mythical creatures including fearies and mermaids (do I really need to mention that?

). Now days I'm more into the legendary medieval ones rather than the girly pastel colored ones though.
We don't know Foster's unicorns too well, but I remember not all are rough and tough like "Frank, Joe and Phil" were. There were the ones in the pilot where Wilt is giving Mac and Bloo the tour of the house, and they seemed rather nice, especially the one that
talked and said "Mmm, thanks Wilt!". So I can see some of the unicorns rejecting the medieval looking one, yet others like maybe that one that talked, accepting it and even trying to befriend it. The medieval one wouldn't take any offense by any rude comments. Yet I can also see it reserved, and not really wanting to be too friendly either. Maybe I've watched
The Last Unicorn too many times, but I've always seen the medieval ones anxious and skittish. As if knowing they're needed for something very important, but they don't know what, when, where, or why.
And for the record, probably my favorite scene with the unicorns is when Mac and the other friends show up to rescue Bloo from the extremeasaur in the pilot. It was so dramatic. The unicorns helped save the day!