Wow we don't have thread for the unicorns? I couldn't even find one on the old forum...
What were the names of the three tough unicorns? Joe was one I think. Frank was one, right? Lol I can't remember anymore.
I have to admit as a kid I liked unicorns. I even liked winged unicorns. I even liked white unicorns with
rainbow manes. I can't believe I ever liked something like that!

Anyways now I can't stand it when people draw unicorns like ponies with horns stuck on, I don't think unicorns were ever meant to look that way. But little girls usually think of them like that, therefore that's why the imaginary ones do. I always wondered what would happen if a really classic, lion-tailed, medieval-type imaginary unicorn showed up at the House. Would the other unicorns resent it for not looking as girly as they do?