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Old 08-31-2008, 01:41 PM   #1587
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Other people playing Mario Kart Wii online. First, a female with a versus ranking of around 9400 (higher VR=more skilled) would always pick the same course even if it was just picked. However, I was able to beat her once or twice despite the fact she was in a bike and I drove a kart. When her course was picked for the 4th time, I decided to leave the group after that race.

Another player by the name of "Killdmcrts" had around 9900 VR (9999 is the max), but I grew suspicious when I saw he was in one of the slower bikes. In the final race before leaving that room, it became clear that he cheated, because he threw a blue shell (an item that goes after the racer in 1st) BEFORE he grabbed an item box.

Last edited by L.G.; 09-10-2008 at 07:45 PM.
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