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Old 08-30-2008, 10:55 PM   #1586
Lady of Brightwood
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My upstairs neighbors.

Just as I was going to bed last night, roughly 1:30 which was late enough as it was, my upstairs neighbors pulled into their parking space, and although their car doors were still closed, they sat out there and screamed at eachother for maybe 20 minutes strait. Couldn't understand everything they said, but I did hear every profanity known to man at one point or another. Finally the boyfriend (husband? Don't know if they're married or not) got out and walked up to their apartment, all the while the girl kept screaming at him. They stayed upstairs for maybe 10 minutes, still screaming at eachother, and I could still make out only a few full sentences but no matter. She stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door behind her, and shortly later the guy came down the stairs after her. And then they stayed out in the parking lot yelling at eachother for about an HOUR. Still screaming profanities. They got in the car a few times, got back out again, slamming the doors. I started worrying about my car out there, if maybe they'd lash out on other cars in the parking lot. Finally they got in the car for maybe the third time, and after yelling at eachother for a few more minutes, drove away and all was quiet. At least an hour and a half had gone by.

I've heard him mad before, and in fact I think there have been times where he hits/shoves/throws things at her, and I've been VERY close to calling 911. Thankfully it's been over a year now since I last heard that going on. And in fact, it's been rather quiet up there lately, thank goodness. But I've never heard her this mad! She was the one doing most of the screaming last night, and in fact, while they were in the parking lot, he was saying "Shhhh" a lot. Funny how his personality changes when he finds himself suddenly on the defensive side. I heard most of the story over the hour and a half. I'll spare you the details, but apparently he cheated on her. Yeah, it could make a good soap opera.

I hope I get a good night sleep tonight. I am soooo tired.
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