Originally Posted by koosie
I'm very interested in this term 'furry'. So that now describes a type of person or group of people does it? There were some people in a documentary a few years ago who called themselves furrys but all they really did that was abnormal was dress up in big furry animal costumes and hug each other a lot and at one point some of them went to a zoo and were oo-ing and aah-ing over a big stripey Tiger. None of which seemed anything other than the behaviour of pleasant, harmless people and the worst you could say about them was that they'd probably be of no use in a scrap.
Am I barking up the wrong tree? Have the 'furry' become more extreme in their behaviour? Or is society just full of hostility and finger-pointing?
dont quote me on this, as i am not a scholar at this. seriously i dont know much of anything on this subject.
i think its just a case of hate for people whom are different. that really wouldnt suprise me.