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Old 08-05-2008, 01:38 PM   #185
my brother's keeper
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Join Date: Nov 2006
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So I was reading this thread and since most of the past few posts have been about Frankie and the way she's drawn etc. I had a very odd thought process. I thought, I don't think I've ever been attracted to any of Craig's characters. I'm not saying anythign bad about his style or whatever, I just have never had a crush on any of them. Then I began to think... well what if Frankie was a boy instead of a girl. Basically with the same personailty and everything, but was just a boy... or maybe if Frankie had a brother... Anyway, I was sitting here and I thought Frankie would actually make a cute boy. I mean... I love redheads... So... here's hoping Frankie's long lost brother suddenly appears.

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