I never felt her design of Frankie's legs or body type was anything to do with weight but simply how the animation style ended up making her look. I mean, sometimes half the people in the show have weirdly shaped chins or jaws, and Madame Foster has feet that look like pointed pencil tips or something.
Speaking of beautiful voices (like Grey), I find Kathy Soucie's voice to be the most absolute beautiful of toon voices. I think its lovely, elegant, and sexy sounding at the same time and the reason I mention her is because she has played countless female toons, 4 of which are some of my BIGGEST crushes.
Princess Sally from Sonic the hedgehog, Pilot Jenny from Bucky O'hare, Lola Bunny from Space Jam, and (always my most favored favorite) Fifi La fume from Tiny Toon Adventures (of which I have the first season on DVD first day it came out thank you very much

). Another toon crush I'd love to share comes from the show Chowder, although this is a more adorable/cuteness kinda deal.
Panini. She's this ridiculously SUPER damn cute little pink bunny and she's always got goo goo eyes for Chowder. I love her design and I think her romantic crazy advances on Chowder are hilarious, specially when he screams at her "I'm not your boyfriend!". I always look forward to whenever she's on the show. I think her voice is quite adorably cute to listen to too.