Wow, has it been over a year?? Yeah, I guess it has.
Well, I got a new scanner (yay me!), and in response to
this post in the Foster's Dreams thread, I had inspiration to draw my first drawing for it. This was a few weeks ago now (sorry, I started it, and then completely forgot about it, so didn't finish it until now), but here she is- Frankie dressed as Belle from Disney's
Beauty and the Beast. Inspired by a dream I had.
Just some simple pencil sketches really, but that's my style and I'm ok with that.

I imagine she's really lucky and is going to Disney World, and had a special invitation to dine with a prince, and encouraged to dress like a princess for the occasion. And she chose to dress up as Belle!
She's observing herself in the mirror and playing with her hair a little. We girls like to primp.