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Old 07-28-2008, 08:49 PM   #142
Undisputed Ruler of Terrencania
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Well, we said we were leaving at nine-ish...we were actually able to have the bellhop wheel the cart full of our stuff right out to my car in the lot, so I didn't have to pull it around to the front. That was awesome. I had stuffed some of our smaller, softer items in the box with the Bloo costume and thanks to the mad packing skillz of the bellhop (he was seriously awesome) everything fit just fine. Now, I'm not sure where I'm going to keep the costume, but it's here safe and sound, and I'll do something about that "lazy eye." I think I'll contact the lady who made it and ask her what those black plastic things even are.

Oh yeah and about that ice cream cone - I saw them make one in the store when we were in there and I noticed that all they did was scoop some ice cream from the freezer and just PUT it on the cone. That is seriously the wrong way to make an ice cream cone. You need to fill the cone with ice cream first so that when you put the scoop on top it has something to stick to. Also you get your money's worth more than just a ball of ice cream sitting on top of a cone. So anyways that's why it just fell off like it did. Totally not your fault.
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