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Old 07-25-2008, 06:27 PM   #114
Lady of Brightwood
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The news is now up on ToonZone, too.

^This was posted over two hours after Cass posted the info here. Hehe, pretty cool. We learned of it HERE first. Thank you Cass! Also thanks for posting how each day goes for you. I'm enjoying reading them, it helps me at least imagine I'm there too.

I'm surprised the movie isn't the finale. But I'm not upset about it. The title of the last episode sounds sad, but I have confidence in Craig and Co. that they'll keep us fans happy. I just hope CN doesn't mess anything up.

And Yay for interviews! Wow, that's so totally awesome, I'm without words. Really, I am. ....Yeah, nuthin'. Wow, just Wow. Congrats on that! I hope they air it! And if they do, I hope it's uploaded to YouTube or something because what are the chances that I'm going to be home and watching CN right when they air it? Very, very minimal.
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