Originally Posted by jekylljuice
Sounds like you're having a wonderful time over there, I must say I'm quite envious. At least spare a thought for your poor pal JJ while you're over there, huh, presently inflicted with a critical case of wanderlust, but also saddled down with this evil 20,000 word dissertation she has to be writing. 
Do you think there's any possibility of you making it out here next summer, JJ?

We can be rookies together. And if you want, maybe even roomies as it's much cheaper to room with someone. And you've probably already noticed that, with the exception of Sparky, all the forum attendees are guys.
Bummer the CN interview didn't happen today. Hopefully tomorrow. And all will go smoothly. I sooo hope it happens! Do you know how awesome that will be??
Ok, yes. Yes, you probably do.