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Old 07-24-2008, 01:35 PM   #1
Take a bow, Bloo. You deserve it.
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FHfIF: 8/11/04 - 5/3/09  
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Default Halloween costumes 2008

Figuring that the date is close enough (late July, dog days of summer) what's your halloween costume plans for the year 2K8?

Me? I'm planning to do Alice Version 2.0 this year. it's the same as last year's costume, but I'm adding a Peter Pan collar around my neck (I bought a parochial school blouse for that), plus pantaloons (or bloomers) and crinolines underneath my skirt.

If you have a costume plan, post it here.
Editor of's FHFIF pages

Thank you Craig for the ride. We all will miss you.

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