Foster's Valley - "Another Welcome Wagon Story"
Frankie on the phone:
She'd been tirelessly cleaning the House all morning and well into the afternoon, in preparation for her vacation. She might've gotten a lot more done were it not for Mr. Herriman constantly getting in the way and making insane demands on how to get things done. "Counterclockwise, Miss Frances! Scrub the sink in a counterclockwise manner!"
"What the hell does it matter?!?!" was Frankie's annoyed response. It didn't get any better as the day wore on. Wanting to finish up without furthur delay, Frankie resolved to get Mr. Herriman out of her way for a day. So she got on the phone and called a woman she'd met recently. "Hello, may I speak with Kimmy Bandrowsky?" Ah, Frankie, you have no idea who you're getting mixed up with. Frankie asked for a favor and Kimmy obliged her, and the next day Mr. Herriman was sentenced to Welcome Wagon duty at the house of Duchess:
Surprisingly, she never spotted Amanda so there was no shoving match. Duchess tired of the telescope and went inside to read, and soon Mr. Herriman and the rest of the Welcome Wagon showed up. Inside, Mr Herriman met fellow Wagoneer Marisa Bendett:
Who claimed he had a spot on his suit:
And flicked his nose when he looked down to check:
Not a good start for the two of them. There was some poking, and then Duchess interceded and chatted with Marisa while Mr. Herriman stood there in a huff:
The two of them got along reasonably well. At that point the third member of the Welcome Wagon, a guy by the name of Goopy GilsCarbo (well known to Sims players everywhere), decided he was feeling playful and tried the "Friendly Hug" routine on Marisa:
"Ack! Don't touch me, you lunatic!" Obviously it didn't go too well. Might've helped if he'd showered earlier. Duchess laughed, she and Marisa moved off to the couch for some quality time with the TV, and Mr. Herriman spoke to Goopy about his unseemly behaviour:
"Goopy! Are you an idiot, sir? What's wrong with you?" he asked.
More in a moment...