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Old 07-20-2008, 01:28 AM   #1487
Executive Weasel Ball
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Originally Posted by Lynnie View Post
Ugh, IMDB is bad about that too. A lot of trolls, and the mods don't seem to care half the time. And what makes it worse, if you report too many posts, no matter how offensive they are, they tag you as "annoying" or something, and they won't let you report any offensive posts any more. Sometimes someone "official" gives first hand info about a show/movie/actor, but keeping my eyes open for those are the only reason I still check that place for news. Without them, the place would be outright hostile.
Oh, don't get me started on IMDB. I used to hang out there a lot in 2005, now I scarcely drop by at all, and when I do I never post. Finding (and maintaining) a half-way intelligent or civilised conversation in that place is akin to finding a needle in a haystack. As you say, there are an awful lot of trolls, and the place is very poorly moderated - possibly because there's a message board for every single movie, actor and director that's ever been, and only a comparatively very small number of staff members to oversee them all. I found that if you complained about a post with blatantly very offensive content, it could be months before anything actually happened. And unfortunately, the hostility doesn't stop with just the trolls. I found that roughly 95% of "normal users" in that place were rude, aggressive and derisive (a lot of them seemed to be troubled teenage boys who honestly didn't appear to have much else of a life), and that whatever opinions you expressed, even something as harmless as "I really enjoyed so-and-so's performance in thingy-film", nine times out of ten you'd get flamed for it. In the end it's hard to say who was worse - them, or the folks who'd post user reviews on a regular basis and then behave as though that somehow made them professional critics.

That's it,
The End,
But you'll get over it,
My Friend.

Last edited by jekylljuice; 07-20-2008 at 01:28 AM.
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