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Old 07-19-2008, 04:37 PM   #1485
Undisputed Ruler of Terrencania
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This one guy who's on a couple other forums I belong to, he's a real little punk. It's not just him I'm annoyed at though, on one of the forums the admin/staff just don't care when members harass eachother. So this one guy, he goes around saying "f--- you" to people who have different opinions than him and can get away with that. And on the second forum, he posted the animated avatar I made for the first forum without crediting me or at least saying "I didn't make this I found it somewhere" making it look like he'd made it himself. Of course he didn't even copy it to his own computer and upload it somewhere, he just used my imageshack addy for it. I posted right after him saying "yeah that's my avatar and here's some more I made - in fact here's my website where you can get them all," so I'm sure everyone knows I made it, but that was an irritating thing for him to do.
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