I agree with you there, Jackie. I use to watch VH1 a lot, found it very entertaining, and it kept me up to date on my favorite celebrities. But over the last five years or so, it's all become redundant and just boring. I'll admit I loved the "I Love the '70s", "... '80s", "...'90s", they were fun. But it's becoming way too over-aired now. And yeah, I noticed too that they're using all the same lesser-known actors and actresses, as if trying to give them another jump at fame. But I'm not enjoying it near as much. I never really watch it anymore.
I never really watched MTV though, so can't say much about that. But I do wish there were still stations that just played music videos 24 hours strait. I never had a dull moment when I had insomnia. Aah, I have fond memories of music videos... *drifts off into reminisces*