I have a recollection of a time in the mid-90s, when home video cameras were still the size of todays TV cameras. They were also still kind of new in my household so I was still kind of getting use to the one we had, I guess. I had a habit of, when recording, only looking through the viewfinder while I was recording. So my point of view was over my shoulder instead of centered like usual. Because of this, when turning a corner, I many times would turn too sharply and walk right into the wall- and of course record myself doing it. On one such occasion, I walked into the wall three times in a like, 5-7 minute time period. On the video I was laughing at myself, and I still laugh at myself.
But it's a different story when the friend of your brother, whom you don't know, starts ridiculing you for it. And your brother is encouraging them to do so. I hated that!