Originally Posted by Jackie Khones
I must be honest, at the moment, with the recent episodes,
Family Guy
I mean the plots are meh, but it seems it's just the same old stuff over and over, for example: The Vaudville guys, who were both shot, they brought the ghosts back, and said Johnny liked little boys. Completely unnessecery...I was satisfied killing them off.
Family Guy, right now, seems like with the past episodes, they're making episodes just to make episodes, Also, the chicken fights, Done. Get them over with. They're just 8-10 minute fillers completely unfunny and just boring. Personally, whenever they come on, no matter which one, I turn off the channel.
So, I'm a DIE HARD family guy fan, but please, please, Seth and the writers, make some interesting plots...
I risk making myself incredibly unpopular for saying it, but
Family Guy is one of those shows which I never really "got", so to speak. I caught one of the early episodes in 1999, before it became such a massive cult phenomenon (shortly before it's UK premier, I remember reading an article which reckoned that it could be the next
Simpsons, and that intrigued me), and, if I'll be totally honest, I thought it was the dumbest thing I'd ever seen (no offence intended to the FG fans here). I thus concluded that the article had been full of crap, opted not to watch any more episodes and was able to put it out of my mind for a while.
Then, a few years go by, and
Family Guy is suddenly this big cult phenomenon which everybody loves. I began to wonder if maybe I'd misjudged it, or perhaps just caught it at a bad episode. I happened to be at a friend's house when her housemates were having this big
Family Guy marathon, so I decided to stick around and watch it with them, just to see if I had been too hasty in my previous judgement. But no, numerous episodes later, and my opinion still hadn't changed. I still found the characters to be annoying and unlikeable, and the humour and storylines to be far too senseless and random for their own good. *Shrugs*, I don't know, maybe it's just me, but the appeal of this show has always totally passed me by.