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Old 07-13-2008, 09:39 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by girl_named_goo View Post
Story-wise, we never strive to use Cheese as a "main character" or a "background character." Essentially, he's an antagonist. Mac Daddy was about Bloo (the protagonist) trying to, in a sense, defeat Cheese (the antagonist) by getting rid of him. Cheese consistently thwarted Bloo by always returning. In Big Cheese, Frankie was the protagonist, as well as in Cheese-a-Go-Go.

So in actuality, as far as character goes, Cheese serves more as a villain than anything else--- just not an intentionally evil one.

Don't know if that makes a difference for anyone.
Huh. I just saw him as the proverbial monkey wrench in the secondary cast. The epitome of Chaotic Neutrality, to take a page out of the D&D lexicon. Yes folks, I am such a nerd.

Really though, even though he causes trouble at times, sometimes he can help things, like when he muzzled Terrence who was about to get everyone busted in "Infernal Slumber".
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