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Old 07-13-2008, 08:01 PM   #15
Servant of the shadows
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The Simpsons and Futurama:
Honestly, a few episodes are good, but there's nothing redeeming about either show. However, the Simpsons movie was pretty good...

ALL of the new Nickelodeon shows
Bad plots, dumb characters...pretty much everything about them. Puts me right to sleep.

I used to be really into this series, but it soon got boring and pointless. The plots seem to be getting more and more confusing each time. And, what the hell is Orochimaru? Some anime version of Michael Jackson? Dear God...

Robot Chicken
Ok, it's pretty funny...sometimes. For a comedy series, the humor is VERY immature.

South Park
Got old after 3 seasons. Honestly, come up with something different. Enough of the same old things.

American Dad
Haven't liked one episode. It's not funny, there's never a good plot, and the dad (Stan, I think) is a jacka$$. Seth needs to focus much more on Family Guy.

The only reason I didn't mention the newer Pokemon seasons is because I think the movies are the only things that keep the series tied together. But the TV series...I stopped watching it.

(No one kill me for saying the Simpsons...please) XD

Last edited by Sama-chan; 07-13-2008 at 08:02 PM.
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