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Old 07-13-2008, 05:53 AM   #13
Holy Toledo!
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I support The Sarah Connor Chronicles, because the continuity of the films don't even synch up qith each other. I've always taken the films to be set in different timelines than the previous, same applied here. That's just me though. Plus it has the guy who plays Doctor Venture in it as a villain towards the end so it gets a double vote for me.

I was disappointed with DragonBall Z. My friends talked it up like it was sent from heaven. Then I watched it. It was terrible. It was long, drwan-out, and a litle cliche, the characters didn't really grab me and the dialogue fell flat.

I was also disappointed with Ninja Turtles Fast Forward, all of the goodwill of the 4 previous seasons was dashed against the rocks with this one. Not the worse show ever, but an attempt to bring the show back to the 1987 lightheartness coupled with the 2003 grittiness and it just didn't work. There's not much more I can say about this one except it failed.
From the thinnest thread
We are sewn together
From the finest string we dangle over time
From the highest wire
We walk through fire
Should our balance ever falter
Should our steps be unaligned

Last edited by AerostarMonk; 07-13-2008 at 06:04 AM.
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