Originally Posted by Cassini90125
The peppermints are actually roses with a coating of ice. Sorry. 
Roses? Ok. Wow, the game has some interesting graphics to make roses look like solid peppermint candies.
As for a pet for the Cassimans, if Blooregard wants a puppy, and Mac just wants a pet of any kind, I'd say get a puppy because they'd both be happy. But would that take more work? You know, walking, feeding, grooming, cleaning up after. Cats are much more independent and only require feeding and cleaning of the litter box maybe once a week. Or does the game factor in all that? If not, get a puppy. If it does and it would mean less work for the game (and you), get a cat. I just hope Bloo isn't upset over it and causes heartache for his best friend.