I've always liked purple on Frankie. It works well for her regular skirt on the show, and it works in this outfit as well:
I'm really not sure how to categorize this one; "retro", perhaps? It's a recent acquisition from TSR, as usual. I took one look and hit the download button without hesitation. Good for a night in the city in Autumn, it's quite an attention-getter; it certainly got
my attention quick enough. And speaking of attention-getters, here's one I call "Blue Shock":
What a standout; this one is for a woman determined to stand out in a crowd, any crowd. I can't truthfully see our Miss Foster wearing something like this; good as it looks, I think she'd prefer something a little quieter. I love how the bright blue color contrasts with the rich red of her hair and the emerad green of her eyes. This one was created by a gentleman in Poland and can be found on the Exchange, where it has a five star rating. And lastly, there's this gem:
Another from TSR, this is one of my all-time favorites; a simple black dress with a blue waistbabd and matching floral embroidery. It works for nearly any occasion and any season. Really blows me away. A true classic in my opinion, just like the lady wearing it.
Anyway, that's the latest set. As always, feel free to comment.