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Old 06-24-2008, 08:51 PM   #33
Lady of Brightwood
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This doesn't really involve me, but it was kind of cool. While getting gas today, I saw a teenage girl waiting at the bus stop on the curb 50 or so feet away. I noticed right away she was wearing a Hot Topic hoodie (it's funny how I think most of us can spot a HT hoodie now a mile away just by the designs on it and the way it's cut), and it looked like it might be one of the Foster's ones. As I pumped my gas, I kept watching her, waiting for her to turn around so I could see the front of it (I was kind of expecting to see Berry). After topping my tank off and getting ready to get back into the drivers seat, I suddenly noticed the purse she had hung on her shoulder. It was one of the Bloo tote bags, with the stripes and hearts on one side, and a big silly lovable Blooregard on the other. I was so fixated on her hoodie I hadn't noticed her purse! I thought it was kind of funny, and also cool. I almost approached her to tell her how "awesome" her purse is, show her the lip balm in my pocket, my cell phone charms and the Bloo keychain I have hooked to my purse. But she was talking on her cell phone, so I didn't say anything.

And to end, I don't think her hoodie was a Foster's one, but she was obviously a fan of HT.
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