Thread: Poor Kiwi
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Old 06-23-2008, 04:38 PM   #1
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Unhappy Poor Kiwi

Just a thread to say, Kiwi is having some problems right now. This is her third year going through laying eggs (2006 thread, 2007 thread) and she was doing fine (in fact I took the eggs out this morning and that should have run its course). But then Sunday morning she had suddenly plucked her chest, her crop was totally bald. She wasn't listless or acting sick or anything though. And then this morning she'd moved to her back and the spot above her preen gland is all red from chewing. I don't think it's a stress-related thing, I think she may have a skin irritation or allergy of some kind. The earliest vet appointment I could get for her is NEXT Monday.

She's totally happy and eating well, playing and cuddling like normal. She's just...itchy. I'm cleaning up her cage and everything, checking for mites and stuff (haven't seen anything so far), and I got some kind of spray to soothe her skin I'll try tomorrow I guess. I just hope this isn't a big deal and that she doesn't have anything contagious, because if she's actually sick I won't be able to board her when we go to Comic-Con (I guess I'll have to take her to my dad's, a full hour away).

So...yeah. My poor Kiwi. I'm really worried about her right now.

Last edited by Sparky; 06-23-2008 at 04:38 PM.
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