Originally Posted by pitbulllady
Yeah-"Group dynamic"-that's the word I was actually looking for! Wilt is sort of an "adhesive" that holds that together and helps preserve some measure of sanity about the place. Mac does, too, to a certain extent, as does Frankie, but Mac doesn't actually LIVE there, and he's only there for a limited time each day, so with regards to the household it's really Wilt and Frankie who keep the place sane, and neither one could pull it off alone. Mr. Herriman, for all his rules, actually HINDERS at times, since he unintentionally creates conflicts and stress by being so strict and so unyielding, and it's really hard to say that Madame Foster helps much, either, since she can be a "loose cannon" at times herself! Just the presence of someone with Wilt's personality can have a remarkable impact on the structure and function of any group, even if he does not consciously try to affect it, plus Wilt seems to be one of the few individuals who will actually try to keep Bloo in line, and that alone is a reason enough for him to stay!
Indeed, Mac and Frankie can’t be there to manage the peace all the time. Even if Mac did live at Foster’s, he’s eight-- he has school! And Frankie is always dealing with things like… oh, toothpaste disasters and fixing rolls of toilet paper. Mr. Herriman, as seen in “Busted,” does create much more tension than is really necessary, and considering that in “Partying is Such Sweet Soiree,” Madame Foster full-out encouraged the madness that was Bloo’s house party… well, loose canon indeed! Part of Wilt’s ability to maintain peace probably stems from him being a father figure for Jordan-- if Jordan’s mother was gone for whatever reason (working, etc.), Wilt would be “in charge,” as it were, and keeping the peace would definitely be part of the job description, particularly between Jordan and his older brother. And if Wilt can keep Bloo in line… please stay!
Ah, yes, and Mac-a-lacka: I finally got my season DVDs the other day, and I did notice that Wilt gave Mac a side hug in "Where There's a Wilt..." In fact, Wilt was talking specifically to Mac, and totally ignoring Bloo!