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Old 06-12-2008, 09:20 AM   #648
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Originally Posted by Mac-a-lacka View Post
I finally thought of one.

"Wilted Friendship" (Yeah, I'm aware of the sucky title.)

Mac saves Wilt's life and Wilt returns the favor by being at Mac's every beck and call, this later gets annoying so Mac tells Wilt that he doesn't want him to do everything for him anymore, this hurts Wilt's feelings then Mac must find a way to make it up to him, so Mac pretends that he needs someone to save him, then Wilt quickly gets over his rage and "saves" Mac, to make it up to Wilt, they're both even.

So, what do you think?
Hmm... sounds pretty good. (And don't worry-- I'm not that great at titles either.) I can only just picture Wilt waiting on Mac hand and foot out of gratitude. A really good subplot would be Bloo wanting to get someone to do that for him, too.

I'd watch it as an episode.

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