Originally Posted by WiltsAKGirl17
Gah, I wish my season DVDs would get here soon! This is the sorta stuff I miss the first time! (Watching the Japanese dub certainly doesn't help, especially since I can't speak...)
Building on Vampyre's post that Mac veiws Wilt as a substitute father, much like Jordan did, the opposite is could be true as well: that Wilt sees Mac as a "substitute creator," if you will. Simply, that Wilt sees a lot of Jordan in Mac, and that he naturally, whether conciously or subconsciously, gravitates toward that, leading to little moments like this.
Wilt has lost, and regained, a lot in the course of his life, especially after GWH. While it's highly unlikely that he's going to regain his arm and eye, through the episodes we've seen after GWH's original airing, he's starting to come back to his old self-confidence. (Yes, I'm borrowing some of pbl's thoughts to make this work.) Despite all of that, he's not regained a boy or girl who needs him; he admitted in GWH that he really wanted to be adopted again. If a new little boy or girl is not in his immediate future, Wilt would more likely than not recognize that, but still want to provide love and a father-type role for a young child, especially one whose real father is absent-- a description Mac most definitely fits.
Wow, I just developed something that sounded halfway intelligent, depsite being immensely tired and not very analytical. If anyone wants to latch onto this and run with it, go ahead.
Yeah, I doubt Wilt will "regain" his arm or eye; there's no evidence that he, or any other IF, can regenerate lost body parts, and it's a safe bet that if it hasn't happened in 30+ years, it's not gonna happen. Besides, part of Wilt's real strength is that he has learned to cope so well after losing an arm and an eye, and he can do pretty much anything that someone who still has two arms and two eyes is able to do, without complaining or whining. Wilt serves as an inspiration for anyone who is struggling with a disability, and shows that such people are just as capable as anyone else.
It HAS occurred to me that Wilt is more and more of a father figure, or at least a big brother figure, to Mac, and after seeing "Race For Your Life, Mac and Bloo", it really hit me just how much ALIKE Wilt and Mac are in terms of personality. Wilt just needs to "think outside the box" a bit, and perhaps discard the notion that the only way he can really help a child is to be adopted by that child and that child's family. He also needs to really take a long hard look at his impact on Foster's, since he's really one of the stabilizing elements in that home, and if he left, I have a feeling that things would become "off-balance", in terms of the residents' behavior and emotional status, to some extent. You often do not realize just how much one individual like Wilt can affect everyone else around them, until they're gone. It really takes the combined efforts of Wilt, Mac and Frankie to sorta hold things together around that place, to off-set the craziness of individuals like Bloo, or the obsession with rules of Mr. Herriman, and if one of those three were to leave, I don't think it would be benefit that household at all.