Got A Question
I've been trying to learn how to draw for years. And for all of those years I've failed miserably. How that phase where I wanted to be an animator ever got into my head I will never quite know. One thing's for sure though, I want to make comics and animation. The problem is I don't really know any artist willing to help me out. I have all these idea itching to come out of my head, but they need another person to help them materialize. I need someone who can help me make my ideas a reality, but I don't know how to go about finding that person. Therein lies the question, how do I find an artistic collaborator for my ideas?
If you anyone read and/or replies to this I'm already greatly appreciative. Thank you for your time.
From the thinnest thread
We are sewn together
From the finest string we dangle over time
From the highest wire
We walk through fire
Should our balance ever falter
Should our steps be unaligned