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Old 06-03-2008, 10:44 PM   #4
some guy you dont know
Just a Poor Boy
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sonic the hedgehog- marble zone.

i personally think this level is very much ignored in comparision to others, like labrynth and green hill. its personally my favorite of the game, and i feel it gets left out alot.

i love the way its designed. and the music really adds to the feel. and, the caterkillers. those things are annoying, yet always fun to watch. the boss fight was easy, although it was only the second stage. not falling into the lava is hard sometimes, espicially during the boss battle. i could go on, but i feel that my point has been made.
I just became a member of a club known as the bumbling fools
Botching the game and the best things in life is the motto and the rule
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