Amazing sculptures, they're fantastic! I too would absolutely love to see a sugar crazed Mac when you're able to do it.

There have been a few small Fosters toys, including small figurines that are showcased in the Red White and Bloo marathon every July 4th. They pop up on eBay now and then (and I know a member or two here own them themselves). There are also two small "statues", but they are not intended to be played with by children as they are very expensive, and are for serious collectors and for display purposes only. They also pop up on eBay now and then. I know there are a number of members here who own those.
As for S3 DVD, as it's been already pointed out, the last thing we heard was there was an ad for it on a DVD recently released for another show. Craig also mentioned on his dA page that he submitted the cover art for it some time ago. So all we know is that it's coming, but we have yet to learn the date. If we're lucky, it will be this fall sometime, but we don't know anything for sure yet.
Welcome to the forums, by the way.