Finally I have something new! It's not the best I've churned out, but I was growing desperate with the need to develop
something. Also, Mac-a-lacka expressed an interest in a Wilt and Mac based episode
here, so I thought this up after a few days. (Here you go, Mac-a-lacka!

TITLE: Sherlock Foster's
TITLE CARD SOUND: Dribbling and laughter
It's a Greek tragedy, with a Foster's twist: Wilt's basketball has gone missing!

While everyone else brushes it off with an, "Eh, it'll turn up eventually," Wilt teams up with Mac and begins a cross town hunt for his beloved basketball. Where does he find it?
On the basketball courts of a children's hospital. When he sees the joy his basketball brings the kids, even though the kids want to give it back, he decides to let them keep it, with an added bonus: he asks Jordan to buy the kids some new sports equipment, which he gladly agrees to do.
This episode features:
~ The return of Jordan Michaels
~ A subplot of Bloo trying to beat Foul Larry at a variety of games
~ An end credit sequence of Bloo and Foul Larry's "epic" paddleball tourney

~ And an ending I just now thought up, so if it's terrible, that's why. This may be a little heavy for Foster's, considering that there's a children's hospital which could very well invite allusions, etc., to terminal illness in children, but it could also serve as a good study of sacrificing something you care very deeply about for the benefit of others.
And I have no idea how the basketball got there in the first place. I was originally thinking of an episode of Jack Webber's Dragnet where a little boy stolr money or something for a Nativity scene at Christmas, and building on it from there, but now I;m not sure. So, yeah-- I fell into a gaping plothole...