Originally Posted by Vampyre
I like to think that maybe Mac looks up to Wilt like a substitute big brother, or even a Father, kinda like how Jordan saw him when he was child. I can imagine when Mac gets a little older, and, I dunno, he gets a crush on a girl at school or something, he goes to Wilt for some advice, and he ends up lecturing Mac with "The Talk". Mac and Bloo are pretty cool as a pair, but, I agree, that I'd like to see a Wilt and Mac centric episode, for a change.
Wilt is definitely big brother/father material. Wilt said in GWH that Jordan's older brother would rub Jordan's younger age and short height in his face a lot (or something to that effect), so Wilt would have provided the love Jordan couldn't get from his flesh-and-blood brother and father, who is (as PBL has discussed) most likely an absentee figure in his son's life-- just like Mac. Like you, I can easily see Mac turning to Wilt for advice he can't get from his father and is unlikely to get from Terrence.
Originally Posted by pitbulllady
Yeah, it does often seem that Wilt and Mac, and sometimes Wilt, Mac and Frankie(not necessarily in that order)are the brains of the whole outfit. It's usually their decisions and actions that sort of control what's going on in many episodes. That teamwork can really be seen in "Let Your Hare Down" quite well. Wilt has this ability to offer a kind of quiet, almost behind-the-scenes guidance to a young person, without coming off as overbearing and bossy, and all the while allowing the kid to figure things out on his own and learn from that, instead of simply providing the answers to the kid right away. It's like Wilt knows a really bright kid like Mac would sort of resent someone just telling him everything, instead of being given a chance to learn on his own. Wilt knows when to step in with real help and when to kinda let things run their course, which I guess ties in with the intuitiveness of his personality. It a lot of ways, he and Mac have very similar personalities, actually.
Given that Wilt, Mac and Frankie are among the most level-heaed characters of the show, I suppose it makes sense that they could be considered the brains of the operation. Wilt is quite the opposite of overbearing and bossy, and knows when to step in before things get too out of hand. (I'm sure this was in seen in the series, but I can't think of any examples off hand.) I think that Mac and Wilt DO have similar personalities, and perhaps that's why this duo really tickles my fancy. (That and my personal asthetics-- they simply look nice together as friends. I have no clue why.)
Ah, yes, and I haven't forgotten you, Mac-a-lacka-- yeah, you can see the ep idea, but I won't be posting it here; it'll go in the "Your Own Episodes" thread and there alone. Putting it there
and here would more likely than not constitute cross-posting. I'm just trying to not give our friendly neighborhood mods/admins a headache.