Yeah, it does often seem that Wilt and Mac, and sometimes Wilt, Mac and Frankie(not necessarily in that order)are the brains of the whole outfit. It's usually their decisions and actions that sort of control what's going on in many episodes. That teamwork can really be seen in "Let Your Hare Down" quite well. Wilt has this ability to offer a kind of quiet, almost behind-the-scenes guidance to a young person, without coming off as overbearing and bossy, and all the while allowing the kid to figure things out on his own and learn from that, instead of simply providing the answers to the kid right away. It's like Wilt knows a really bright kid like Mac would sort of resent someone just telling him everything, instead of being given a chance to learn on his own. Wilt knows when to step in with real help and when to kinda let things run their course, which I guess ties in with the intuitiveness of his personality. It a lot of ways, he and Mac have very similar personalities, actually.