Originally Posted by Mac-a-lacka
(This post is slightly off topic, Sorry!  )
I wish that there would ever be a Wilt/Mac oriented episode.  
I kind of like those two as a pair rather then Mac/Bloo,  I can't even recall many moments on the show itself that revolve around those two.  
Eh, I think it was time for a topic switch anyway, now that us loyal Wilt fans have fairly well established among ourselvs that Wilt can go out for a DL.
A Mac-Wilt based episode would definitely be nice to see-- they both work extremely well together, based on what I've seen of the little screentime they have together-- I remember the opening scene of GWH, when Wilt is teetering on the brink of a psychotic spazz attack, and all the times Wilt was trying to clean Mac's apartment in "Infernal Slumber." I agree that something about Mac and Wilt onscreen really clicks nicely, and I for one would like to see it explored.
Too bad I can't think of plotline to develop into something for the "Your Own Episodes" thread. Wait-- never mind, think I have something.