Got my baby out for the first time since January today, for the Palmetto Cruisers Car Club's car show, held at the Florence Regional Airport in conjunction with the annual "MayFly Air Show and Festival", a celebration of airplanes and flight. My old "Gold Digga" actually surprised me by winning her division, the "Production Cars, 1959-1964", which was any non-Chevy, non-Ford vehicles within that time frame, beating Caddy's, Pontiacs, Plymouths, Mercuries and Buicks, all well-known names compared to Studebaker! She was the only Stude entered, actually, and with the exception of some of the "old timers" there, and the Mexicans who came out to see the show(must be a lot of Studes south of the border), few folks had any clue what a Studebaker was.
The air show was freakin'
AWESOME, especially the simulated bombing/strafing runs by restored military aircraft from WWI through the Vietnam era, ESPECIALLY the run by the Studebaker-built B-17 Bomber, which laid down its "ordinance" resulting in a huge wall of flame and a shock wave that nearly knocked the spectators down, to give an idea of what it would have been like back in WWII when one of these bad boys meant business! And, speaking of shock waves, there was a special appearance by the jet-fueled semi truck, "Shock Wave"(seen on the Discovery Channel and the Science Channel), which raced a small plane, easily beating the plane at speeds of over 400 m.p.h! That absolutely had to be seen to be believed! I was in serious "Beavis mode" watching this stuff, with all the explosions and flames leaping sky-high!
But, this is what it was all about, THIS is what made my day, right here:
It might not be a huge trophy, but by gosh, it's a beauty, since it's the first actual competition car show trophy we've won!
I can't help it; I love my little Stude, what can I say?