Originally Posted by cartman414
Agreed. I especially thought it was really mean of Eduardo, Coco and Wilt stay silent and let Bloo take the fall for the "water bucket" thing which Bloo was the victim of. Bloo was actually justified there in wanting to get back at them for that "blame the victim" double whammy.
Also made me wish Herriman tripped and fell or something, the cranky ol' codger.
So, I guess that Bloo should have just gotten by with having intentionally broken every rule set down by Mr. Herriman, including ordering expensive room service, eating from the "honor box", ordering pay-per-view movies-NONE of which he intended to pay for himself, mind you-AND messing up Ed's coloring, jumping on Wilt's stomach, grabbing Wilt's one good eye stalk and yanking it...and that's just for starters? Bloo was told not to do anything that would wind up costing the house a lot more money, but of course, he could have cared less, since it wasn't his money. He also could have cared less that the others were tired and wanted to get some much-needed rest. There's been many times that the others have gotten dragged into trouble because of Bloo, and it's about time he wound up on the receiving end of some much-deserved Karma. After how Bloo treated his roommates when they got to the room, I don't blame them one bit. I know if
I had been in any of their positions, I would probably have resorted to much worse than pranks.