Transformers Animated's "Garbage In, Garbage Out". A daft episode, to be sure, a lot lighter and frothier in tone than I'm used to, but what it lacked in gravitas it made up for in sheer fun. Garbage bot Wreck-Gar was always one of my favourite characters from the 1986 movie, and the 2008 Weird Al Yankovic-voiced model did not disappoint, tearing around Detroit in a cheerfully good-natured yet utterly destructive rampage.
I've got to say, I've enjoyed
Transformers Animated from the get go, but this second season, thus far, has been little short of spectacular, effortlessly blending intriguing drama, neat action and great humour, and soaked through with a palpable reverence and respect for the classic series. Between this and the frankly astounding
Spectacular Spider-Man, Saturdays have become as exciting for me as they were when I was a kid...
(PS - Medikor - Couldn't help noticing that you're a fellow fan of KalelPrime's YouTube reviews!

I love that dude's vids; he's knowledgeable, enthusiastic and even-handed, and always interesting to listen to. I also noticed you were asking about the intro music he uses on his
Animated reviews: well,
here you go. Track 14, "PPGZ".
