Thread: Prototype.
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Old 05-02-2008, 08:47 PM   #1
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Default Prototype.

Okay, so I was reading through the latest issue of Game Informer and I stumbled upon an article about this little gem. The game's concept interested me, and after watching several gameplay videos on YouTube, my interest has gone from "somewhat enticed" to MUST PLAY NOW! Everything about this game interests me, the story, the setting, but most of all the main character's abilities.

If you guys are interested, here's a link to an interview which covers parts of the story, the idea of the game, and some sick gameplay footage.

BTW, the game's coming out on Xbox 360, PS3, and PC, so pretty much anyone can own it. But don't get your hopes up yet, because I called my local GameStop and they said it's not scheduled for release until October 22.
Bloo: "Yes, but on this you punch who you DON'T want to win."
Eduardo: "Oh."
Eduardo: "I like voting."

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