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Old 04-25-2008, 04:40 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by Lynnie View Post
I haven't read the most recent posts here yet, so forgive things that have been mentioned before. But I LOVED it! Again, again!!! *rewinds DVR* Yaaayy!!

Was it just me, or did they show the intro twice? First time the entire intro, second time it was the shortened one. At first I thought it was part of the episode and the intro would be interrupted or something.

I'm kind of sad not to see Mac at all. I hope Sean had a good day off. But I was thrilled to see all the other main characters. It was great.

Whoooooo, Blooregard on a caffine high! Yeah, that looks about right. As long as it wasn't Cheese or Goo on the high. Bloo is just outright funny all tripped out.

And I blurted out, out loud, "Twenty five dollars for WHAT????"

And Mr. H- "These three never do anything wrong unless you make them!"

I also take back what I said before about those two new friends reminding me of Twedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. They're more like Beavis and Butthead. Or maybe Chip and Skip from Camp Lazlo.

We see the return of a Deo stick!

Good, Blooregard does all that work to work off all the damage he did. Looks like the Hotel and all its inhabitants survived. That much is good.

I totally saw the Herriman costume thing coming within a few seconds. I also saw the hand buzzer coming. Painfully saw it coming.

And at the end, don't want to give too much away yet, but I was practically on the floor laughing, and I clapped my hands and cheered. That was brilliant!

Eh hem. Ok, and now I must finish watching it the second time. So if you'll kindly excuse me...
I did sorta miss Mac, but it would have been tricky to work him into the plot, with the whole crowd being away from the house overnight, and the hotel being several hours away(apparently the local hotels know the Foster's crowd too well, lol). I really have to wonder where Madame Foster was during all this though, since I can't even recall seeing her on the bus, and Frankie could have gotten a bigger role, but overall, I can't find anything to complain about this episode. Even though the pranks were predictabe, THAT is what made them funny, since everything Bloo was thinking of was so cliche', that anyone would have been able to second-guess him and stay one step ahead. The funny part, though, was finding out whose idea it was all along to do just that! Caffeine-high Bloo was hilarious, even though he was at his most annoying during that scene, and you really had to feel for Eduardo, Wilt and Coco, all worn-out from the uncomfortable bus ride and in need of rest, having to deal with that. Wilt even took a swing at Bloo at one point, but missed because Bloo was bouncing around so much, and at that point, I sorta had to wonder if Wilt didn't already have some retribution in store for him.

The twin IF's reminded me more of Beavis and Butthead, too, just more "clean". The way that they kept pulling Bloo's pranks on THEMSELVES, and laughing about it, and the way that they thought it was hilarious when they got tied up and forced to wear a Mr. Herriman costume, was straight out of a "Beavis and Butthead" episode! When Bloo was going on his rant about how he was being penalized for something he didn't do, I TOTALLY expected one of them to start going, "huh..huh...huh...he said 'PENAL'...huh...huh...huh"! Guess that would have made the comparison a bit TOO obvious, though!

That ending, THAT was a classic! That alone would have made this episode one of my all-time favorites, and like you, I was literally clapping and cheering and jumping up out of my seat! I almost forgot to change the channel for a brand-new episode of "CSI", it was so great!

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