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Old 04-24-2008, 08:45 PM   #45
Mr. Marshmallow
Not-So-Hopeless Romantic
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Luckily I was able to see this episode before my power went out for the last 2 hours or so. To be honest, I was kind of satisfied and kind of disappointed at the same time. This episode was......okay, it was average but nothing superbly fantastic or bad about it if you ask me.

There's wasn't much here except Bloo just repeating the same prank bit over and over. However I did enjoy VERY MUCH SO, the dumb ass twins Frit and Frat or whatever they are called, and the "surprise" prankster from the very end. It was a clever twist and one I felt was well needed (and deserved!) for the character.

I was kind of upset we didn't see what the other IFs, Frankie, and Madame Foster were doing while they were in the hotel. My favorite part has to be Bloo on coffee, that's gotta be a new rule breaking record to do EVERYTHING bad in less then a minute. I didn't feel sorry for Bloo in the least bit when Mr. Herriman locked him up.

Considering the fact Bloo has always screwed Wilt, Coco, and Eduardo over many times without even wanting to get involved, he so had it coming this time. Overall, decent episode, average.
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